NFC Miscellaneous content NFC Museum
Introduction: It may seem a bit odd for a website to have a museum. And it was indeed a spur of the moment sort of thing when I decided to create this section.

Basically it is a brief trip down memory lane to trace the evolution of this website. Thus, the NFC museum presents some of the old layouts used on the site and an assortment of files that used to be hosted here. There's also various other things, such as statistics and stuff that visitors of the site have submitted. This section is not particular useful ... but with a little luck it may just give you a few laughs!

Notice: Pretty much all the links found within the documents here (old main page layouts and whatnot) are no longer valid. Thus, please do not click on any of them.
In June 1996 I made a member fanzine thingy for a little nerdy group of friends calling themselves "Dansk Net Klub" (Danish Net Club). I was looking over this file and noticed that "The Danish Nirvana Page" [DNP] had been visited 2,232 times, in June 1996, a couple of months after it opened. Today, this site has more than 8,000 unique visitors daily.

If you for some reason have an urge to see screenshots of this web-based fanzine-thingy click for screenshot #1, #2 or #3. [Everything is written in Danish]

In early July 1997 myself and a good friend, Andreas Ericson, created a quiz for NFC. Andreas was the webmaster of a popular Nirvana site that opened a little while after mine, back in 1996, called "The Swedish Nirvana Page." Funnily enough this old quiz looks a lot like the most recent ones. Check out this old quiz here. Of course, its not possible to actually try the quiz at this time!

I believe I've had five different quiz's online. The first one is lost, the second is described above and the third can be found here. Check the answers to this quiz here. You can even find a list of winners of it, right here. This one also reminds a lot of the 4th quiz, created in June 1998. The 5th quiz, made in 2001, is still in use.

In late March, or early April 1997 rather, when I created I put up a notice about it on the old location of DNP at Even though I hadn't used this ISP for over two years, the temporary page was still online for years. It is no longer, but can be viewed in the museum here. [It's nothing fancy ...]

Would you like a Kurt Cobain equipment FAQ that hasn't been updated for almost 10 years? You got it! This one was last updated November 27, 1994 and was made by Ralph Smith. Check it out here.

During the autumn of 1997 you could cast your vote for your favorite Nirvana song at the NFC domain. The complete list of votes can still be found here and the original voting form is now presented in the museum here. A more easy-to-read list of the winning songs is available here.

In January 1998, and during half of 1997, I used a design for the main page that is quite like the one I use today. The story is that when I opened NFC in 1997 I just used a boring design where the files were presented as a list and on the right would be a couple of pictures - like this design.

In fact the design 'oldboring' was used for people who had browsers different from Internet Explorer and Netscape, since an index page specifically for each of these two browsers was also available at this time. So, a total of 3 index files were actually up. Anyway, later I changed to a design using tables, then to a design using an imagemap and then finally I changed back to the table design you can see today. Anyway, if you'd like to see the 'first' table design used in late 1997 and early 1998 just click here [Slightly edited to avoid a conflict of interest]. The html of this file was slightly edited to reflect the current browsers, and the original images were provided when possible. This 'oldtable' design was actually used for quite a while, and was probably the one I liked most out of the designs I've used.

To see the design I used with the imagemap, just click here. These two designs, the one with the table and the one with the imagemap, are the two that have been used for most of this site's lifetime. I changed to the design in use today ... hmm sometime in early 1999. Please be aware that all of these old index files offer a BUNCH of defunct links, pretty much all links are not working, and some broken images. I recommend NOT clicking any of the links provided on these presentations of old 'main page layouts'. This design, using the imagemap, was slightly edited to serve the purpose of the museum and the original images have been restored when possible.

In June, July and August 1997 I presented full songs at this website. The reason I didn't have those songs up for very long is of course because I received a polite E-mail from Geffen in mid 1997, prompting me to remove all full length material. This ultimately resulted in me removing the member area and switching away from's first host, Tierranet. Anyway, for an example of how the 'full song of the month' page looked, click here. Obviously you'll not be able to download any of these songs. This page is also a perfect example of the fact that it helps dick to display a copyright message, and a 'delete within 24 hours' notice, in the bottom. That message doesn't make it any more legal.

I've never been fond of those 'latest update' files for some reason. In April 1997 I made one though, but I stopped updating it again after May 1997. Of course I didn't stop updating the site :) Anyway, instead of having a specific file just listing updates I put site news directly on the main page (as I do today) and then in June 1998 I created the newsletter which gave very detailed info about all updates to the website. Check the first newsletter or the mentioned updates file from April 1997. In October 1999 I created a 'latest updates' file again. But this time I didn't just have updates to the site but also Nirvana news. That is probably the reason why the file (The NFC News Section) is still here today.

For the past few years I've done something special for Christmas, for the site. Both in December 1997, 1998, 1999 and 2000 I put full songs online during the christmas period. The christmas section from 1997 can be viewed here and the one from 1998 can be viewed here [Edited]. You may also view the 1999 NFC Christmas Present here [Edited]. Click here to view the spectacular NFC X-Mas present that was served in December 2000. In 2001 there was no X-Mas present from the NFC, due to hosting problems. However, a new sound gallery was presented instead. Click here to view the 2002 X-Mas present.

There was a time when I 'only' had 80 bootlegs ... to be exact, I had 80 Nirvana bootlegs in July 1997. Today I have over 300. Just for the hell of it you may view my 1997 list of 80 bootlegs here.

In late April, or perhaps early May, of 1996 I created DNP. Back then I advertised for it on the Nirvana newsgroup as everyone else probably would. To view the ad (dated May 9, 1996) - look here. From Dejanews.

Shortly after NFC was created, a WWWBoard for it was created as well. I managed to save exactly 3648 posts from the board. But that is only a small percentage of the thousands of posts that were put on the 'classic' WWWBoard from it's birth in April 1997 to it's demise in early July 1999 (when the NFC Discussion Board took over). The saved posts include one from an "Associate Informist" who demanded me to remove all full songs. Naturally I didn't take this post seriously, but as it turns out, I received the E-mail from Geffen a couple of days after that post was made - also demanding the full songs to be removed. Anyway check some of the WWWBoard posts from 1997; post #1, #2, #3, #4, #5, #6, #7, #8, #9, #10, #11, #12. A couple of those posts were made by 'CP' who still uses the board today, and a couple of posts were by Dave L., who is the former vice president of NFC. I also picked out some random posts and threads from 1998 that I thought were pretty amusing. This includes a few posts from the legendary "I forgot my name" character who haunted the board for a while. Post #1, #2, #3, #4, #5, #6, #7, #8, #9, #10. Sorry for the foul language used in some of these posts. Be warned :o) More WWWBoard posts coming soon . . .

Now that we're speaking of the WWWBoard, in late 1998 one of the regular users got the idea that I shouldn't be president of it anymore but someone else. So, the NFC Elections were born and here people could select their favorite person for the job by casting a vote. As it turns out, I didn't even win and it has haunted me ever since ... hehe. The winner later turned 'evil' and was banned from the board, so I kept the job as maintainer of the WWWBoard. View one of the posts, concerning the '98 NFC Elections, here. Have in mind that pretty much everything I wrote in that post was a joke, so don't take it seriously! The '99 NFC Elections started in July 1999 on the new Discussion board.

The 2000 NFC Elections started around July 1st, 2000 and among the hot candidates were the "Purple party" and the "Mason Famil" ! I don't believe a winner was determined, as these elections had to be cut short, because of hosting problems (that caused the board to be down for a couple of weeks).

The 1999 NFC Elections were won by a Matthew Bonato who would later leave NFC to create the site The various parties and candidates would each year, while the elections were running, create various threads with hilarious gif animations depicting a competitive candidate's demise, or something to that effect. A couple of these animations and pictures are available here; #1, #2, #3, #4, #5 and #6.

For a short time I had a 'private' WWWBoard online too, around August 1998, for the regular users who were fed up with all of the repeating questions and discussions going on at the regular and public WWWBoard. The Private Board was used quite a bit for a month or so but then the demand slowly faded and it was removed. Check out some of the posts from it; post #1, #2, #3, #4, #5, #6, #7, #8, #9, #10, #11, #12. (Some rated R!)

Back when DNP [Danish Nirvana Page] was up, I had the main page for the Nirvana part as a 'nirvana.htm' file and then I had an obscure index file, shortly describing the contents of the site. For a slightly edited version of this ancient file, click here. This particular file is actually memorable as it was the very first HTML file I ever did - for the homepage that would shortly after evolve into DNP. Thus, the design and HTML used here is quite primitive (as it was in early 1996, I guess) and I was using Netscape v1.2 at the time being. Unfortunately I don't have the 'nirvana.htm' file anymore, with the first ever main page for DNP. But as far as I remember I used a simple design where the top was a picture of either the smiley face, or this one. Next to that picture I had some text w/ an introduction to the site. Then followed links to the files available at the site, and in the bottom I had some images. One was of a Vodka bottle and there were also a couple of other pictures I don't remember right now. I have a butchered and very early version of this file here. For DNP I later used a table design that is similar to the one I use now. If you happen to have saved the nirvana.htm file, I used as the main page for DNP, sometime back in 1996 - please contact me. It's probably not out there ...

Every day this server records how many visits it has received, how many times each file has been downloaded and things like that. These stats also record how many total page hits the site's had and how many bytes have been sent. On September 18, 1998 no less than 117,259,728,622 total bytes [approx. 117 GB] had been sent by the server (thus downloaded by you). More details here. On January 4, 1999 the figures looked quite different. The server at that time had received a total of 3,176,341 (3.1 million) page hits and sent 226,589,227,321 total bytes [approx. 226 GB]. These stats date from around April 1998 to January 1999. More details here.

I can't say for sure how many bytes and page hits we've reached today, since the stats have been reset several times, due to switching hosts. I first switched from Tierranet to Prohosting. Then to Communitech, then, then Jumpline and then back to Prohosting whom I used for a while - and the same host I used between April 1998 and January 1999. Though, in May 2000 I had to transfer again, this time to a host called 'canaca' who ultimately turned out to be a sub-division of Communitech. A sick twist of irony. And as it turns out, canaca were just as corrupt and satanic as their "boss", Communitech. Thus, the site was shut down in July 2000 - first due to the discussion board using too many resources, later because their own server was down. It would never be available again. Or my site wouldn't, anyway. So after a couple of weeks of downtime, I switched to a more professional host called vservers, who offered us a $250/m dedicated server. However, after the company funding this service (Musicfans) went bankrupt, I had to change host once again. This happened in 2001 when I changed to Liquid Web which hosted most of the main content, with Aurora-E-Solutions hosting the discussion board and various sections. Around the release of the Best-Of CD and Journals in late 2002, the number of visitors reached enormous proportions and the bandwidth usage went through the roof. I took a quick decision and purchased a dedicated server (through which would allow NFC to use hundreds of GB in bandwidth. Today, the NFC is still on this dedicated server and will hopefully continue to be.

Bandwidth was ultimately the reason I was kicked off by former hosts: Tierranet, Communitech,, Jumpline, Canaca, Prohosting and Liquid Web. kicked me off exactly one week after I'd signed up with them - due to excessive bandwidth usage :) I left Jumpline cause their "unlimited bandwidth" service was completely bogus, and even though I didn't use very much bandwidth it was supposedly more than "unlimited". As for the statistics, log analysis prove that - as per December 1st, 2000 - the site receives about 8-9,000 unique visitors per day. In 2001, the discussion board also had to be moved to a domain of it's own, seperate from

On the 28th of May, 1999 I decided to temporarily shut down the 'WWWBoard' due to months of foul usage. View the announcement here. This was a turning point in 'board history' as I shortly after this happened decided to switch to the Ultimate Bulletin Board script permanently. This new script was implemented in early July 1999. The old WWWBoard script, by Matt Wright, had been used on the server since the beginning in April 1997 up to the end of June 1999. The script used in the end had been heavily modified and had a lot of new features added by myself. This included 'cookies', the ability to ban users, new board layout and more. It's possible I'll put up the edited source code for download here later on, should there be a demand for it. The UBB script we used had also been heavily edited - offering many features not usually part of the script, and many small improvements and tweaks. In 2001, after being fed up with the UBB script's security problems and instability, I decided to write a brand new discussion board script entirely from scratch. This took a few weeks and it was done in PHP, based on a MySQL database. The new script has turned out to be very efficient, while offering roughly the same features that the existing UBB did. It has since it's launch been continually improved with new features, such as the ability to send private messages, and is currently receiving more than 100,000 new messages per month. The board has more than 9,000 registered members.

For a long long time, I've had a couple of Metallica related files online. Most of these were recently removed and put in the museum. One of them is a chat log of a Metallica chat session hosted by Apple on June 10, 1996. Unfortunately, I personally missed most of this chat since it took me ages to download the software I was supposed to use for the chat. The iChat plugin if I remember correctly. However, Apple had also arranged a live webcast of a Metallica show, following after the chat. The show, from "Slim's" in San Francisco, CA was aired around 7 AM local time so I was obviously a little tired at the time. Anyway, for a log file of this chat, just click here. I also wrote down the setlist for the show that was webcast live. I remember I mostly got the audio part out of this, since I used some crappy software ... 'Stream' something, and I only had a 14.4 modem at the time :) Speaking of chat sessions, since I got on the net in 1995 I have had the pleasure of being in chat's with artists including: Metallica, Duff McKagan, Slash, John Taylor, Fun Lovin' Criminals, Keri Russell, Anton Corbjin, Sweet 75, Foo Fighters [Nate and Franz], Jeff Goldblum and Julianne Moore, Britney Spears (I left after 2 min!), Peter MacNicol, Dale Crover, David Duchovny and Gillian Anderson, William B. Davis, Christopher Reeve and Jim Griffin of DGC.

When I created NFC I had a file online, presenting the banner you could use to link to this page. After the NFC FAQ got up and running this file was pretty superfluous. You may view it here (notice that the banner is different today).

For a while I used a stupid Java script at DNP. View it here - if you for some reason want to! Even back then I used the theory that I had the largest Nirvana site on the net. As you might have noticed, this label has stuck with me and - though supported by many - is not necessarily the case anymore. But hell, I still like to think so :)

As mentioned earlier I used to have a member area online that you could enter by paying a $10 fee. Fortunately, this was removed a long time ago but I still have the file listing some of the things you'd get as a member. View it here ... and don't take it too seriously, I sure as hell don't anymore :)

Claus Jensen, a fellow who has been an online friend of mine since early '96, I believe, did an interview with me in November 1997 for his "Presidents of the United States of America" website. The interview is pretty interesting and you can read it right here. It was originally done on IRC.

One of the most critical moments of this website's history is what happened in late August 1997. At this time, the technical director of Geffen Records was surfing the net thin - looking for sites containing full songs of Geffen artists. Including Nirvana. It was, and still is, illegal to put up full songs by this band. So since I had a few full songs by Nirvana online at that time, I received an e-mail from Geffen prompting me to remove them. The e-mail was also sent to my host at the time, Tierranet, who could shut down the domain in a heartbeat. However, it never got that far since I removed all full length material, and made peace with the Geffen rep. He later expressed positive comments about the website. To view one of these infamous e-mails from Geffen, click here.

Over the years a bunch of people have made banners and other various art for this site. A lot of these files have been lost but I've managed to dig some of them up. A lot of these have never even been used on the site before, actually. Unfortunately, I'm not able to name all the talented artists who have created these files but I do know that people such as Dave Wolinsky, AFTERMATH, Morten Bendix, 'MidKnight' and Claus Jensen have helped making these. Check out the display here! [This page will take a while to load!] Also check a banner for the 'NFC Awards' below.

Art by MidKnight

The banner above mentions an award happening. This was repeated in late 2001 when a user of the Discussion Board came up with the idea of 'NFC Awards'. The purpose was to determine the winner (out of the board users) in 25 categories, ranging from "Funniest", "Most Intelligent", "Politest", "Horniest" to "Best Signature". View the webpage for the awards here. While the awards were running, all board users could cast a vote for the person they'd most like to see win the given category. The winners were announced in February 2002. You can view that announcement here.

On January 23, 1999 a couple of regular users of the then WWWBoard arranged a little chat session where Nirvana fans and NFC users could gather. Unfortunately, only a few people attended the session but it was still pretty funny. A somewhat complete log of the chat can be found here. Special thanks to Tyler for this one. On September 11, 1999 there was yet another chat session. Again arranged by Tyler and pLuto - two regular users. And again only a few people turned up but nevertheless it was pretty funny. View a semi-complete log of the chat here. This log was courtesy of Matthew Bonato. I also have a couple of screenshots available from this chat; #1, #2 and #3. On December 28, 2000 there was yet another official NFC Chat session. The turnout was slightly better but the actual chat was a bit dull. But you can read a 5½ hour log of it here.

In early October of 1999, a user of the NFC Discussion Board "found" a wall with the title of this website spray painted on it. If this user made the grafitti himself can be debated, but the fact is that he took a picture of the wall which you can now see in the museum here. It is actually very cool :) The picture is courtesy of Ezekiel.

In late August of 1999, a different user of the board - Matthew Bonato (aka. NirvHead) - responded to a proposition I had made in a post on the board. The proposition, mostly meant as a joke, was that I wanted people to get out a white T-shirt and write something such as "NirvanaClub is better than sex" on it. Not only did Matthew do exactly that, but his daughter also had her white outfit decorated with the NirvanaClub name. Thanks to Matthew, these hilarious images are now available in the museum. View image #1, #2 and #3. Apart from being creative, Matthew was also a moderator of one of the forums on the board and he was the mastermind behind a 'Chronicle Bliss' news feature, that documents the daily life of the NFC Bulletin Board forum. Probably because of all that he won the 1999 NFC Elections and was thus announced to be "NFC President" shortly after :)

For the most of this site's lifetime I have had a counter on the main page, to keep a track on how many people visited the damn thing. The first counter I used was courtesy of Digits, whom were big in 1996. DNP was visited roughly 30.000 times during it's first year online. Just about one year after it opened, it was turned into NFC as I have mentioned earlier. After a slow start, NFC received more and more visitors and it finally began to accelerate after the member area was removed, and the entire site made free. Thus, today the site is up to having more than 5.5 million hits and is visited several thousand times every day. I have most of the time used a graphical counter, but also a text counter at times where the graphical one didn't work. A few examples of the graphical counter used on the site, in March and April of 1998 - and two [16000 and 45112] from 1997 - are presented at the right. Tierranet whom I used in 1997-98 offered a slew of counter styles one could choose from.

In the spring of 1999, NFC was in the 'Nirvana Top 50 Sites' where people could vote for their favorite Nirvana site. This site was number one most of the time, closely followed by the Cobain Memorial at who took the number one spot from time to time. The Top 25 changed servers and owners a couple of times so I stopped being in the program. Today, these 'Top' lists are still available for Nirvana site owners. A screenshot showing NFC at the number one spot is presented here. Below is a screenshot from the website's main page, December 31, 1998.

By RH By Drew H. By Drew H.

By Misery DieNow was a script, for the popular irc client mIRC, I started writing in 1996. It was inspired by the first script I ever stumbled upon - a script called 'FearBot' which was very ahead of it's time. By borrowing ideas and source codes from the script I started writing my own, which was very primitive in the beginning and wasn't intended for a public release. However, later I got the idea to release a public version and thus 'DieNow' was born. As the name indicates it was a script mostly meant for bad guys who'd want to herass random IRC users. This was an easy gig back in 1996 and 1997 where protection against 'flooding' and 'nuking' was at a minimum. As time went by, these two means of having fun got harder and harder to accomplish and I thereby made the script more user friendly and more based for a 'regular' friendly IRC experience. In 1999 I got tired of the script and stopped updating it. Just before I stopped, I released a final version which was - at the time - more or less bug free so I wouldn't have to update it. For most purposes the script can still be used today, despite it being somewhat old, but it is possible that I will start writing mIRC scripts again at some point. The final version of DieNow is v3.6 and it was, as mentioned, released on January 1st 1999. Thanks to the users for sticking by me for so long, and thanks to AFTERMATH, Downer, Kurt and countless other people for helping with the script. I might put up a download link for the script here later... Oh, also check out this nice title screen that was used with the script for a while. AFTERMATH is the artist behind this one as well.

For a while, there were some really annoying posts to the old WWWBoard and still today there are annoying posts to the discussion board. So, I decided in March 1999 to make a funny little animation about that. You can view it here. Don't take it too seriously :o)

On January 31st, 2000, the layout of the main page was slightly changed making it a bit more compact and a bit more user friendly. If you would like to see the layout used before the change just click here [significantly edited]. This design actually lasted all throughout 2001. A new design, inspired by previous ones, was launched in April 2002. To see the design used between January 31st 2000 and April 2002, click here (once again, most of the links are dead, and the page is slightly incomplete).