NFC News 03/2004
March 31, 2004

The following news is mostly relevant to people in Denmark so I will write it in Danish: På fredag handler DR2s "Musikprogrammet" om Nirvana: "Med deres andet album 'Nevermind' kickstartede Nirvana en ny rockbølge og gjorde plads til bands som Soundgarden og Pearl Jam. En generation af unge begyndte at gå med t-shirts i lag uden på hinanden, i militærstøvler og fik langt hår. Snart talte alle om 'grunge-rock'. Men hvad var det egentlig, der skete? Hvorfor havde det så stor en effekt og hvordan kan man se og høre Nirvanas indflydelse på dagens rockscene? Musikprogrammet har mødt Mew-medlemmerne Jonas og Bo, der som teenagere troppede op i Kastrup Lufthavn tidligt om morgenen dengang idolerne fra Nirvana gav sin eneste koncert i Danmark i juni 1992. Endvidere får Musikprogrammet besøg af Lars Top-Galia fra Sort Sol og Rasmus Holmen fra et af Internettets største Nirvana fan-sites, NFC: The Internet Nirvana Fan Club." Som det kan ses af beskrivelsen er jeg selv gæst i studiet, og fortæller bl.a. lidt om denne webside. Programmet sendes på DR2 d. 2 april kl. 23.00. Det bliver genudsendt onsdag d. 14. april kl. 23.30. Tak til Anja og for info.

På mandag handler Boogie Radio også om Nirvana og Kurt Cobain. Under programmet vil jeg blive interviewet, og snakke lidt om Nirvana's betydning. Jeg vil også svare på spørgsmål fra lytterne. Så husk at lyt til P3 på mandag (5. april) kl. 15-16. Hvis du ikke lige har en radio i nærheden, kan du lytte til P3 på nettet via deres website. Faktisk er det Nirvana dag hele dagen på P3. Der vil være gæster gennem hele dagen, og Nirvana vil blive spillet i alle programmer. Det slutter med en Nirvana feature om deres historie kl. 21. Tak til Christina.

Det nyeste nummer af musikmagasinet Gaffa (April 2004) er netop udkommet, samt et specielt tillæg om Nirvana og Kurt Cobain af Henrik Tuxen. Man skal dog være medlem af Klub Gaffa for at modtage dette tillæg. Over de 24 sider har de lavet en fremragende biografi af Kurt Cobain og selvfølgelig herunder forskellige Nirvana highlights. Deres tur på Roskilde Festivalen 1992 er ligeledes beskrevet, suppleret med sjældne billeder fra deres eneste besøg i Danmark. Desuden indeholder tillægget et appendix med en lille discography, inkl. singler og forsk. compilations. April nummeret af Gaffa samt dette Nirvana tillæg vil blive solgt fra Gaffa's webshop snarest. I webshoppen har de også forskellige Nirvana-relaterede bøger. Du kan finde Gaffa Shop her. Tak til René og for info.

På mandag d. 5 april er der 'Kurt Cobain Tribute Night' på Stereobar i København: "Mandag den 05.04. er det 10 år siden Kurt Cobain døde. Derfor bliver den legendariske grungepioners liv og levned æret med et lille arrangement på Stereobar kl. 21. Oplev 1990'erne endnu en gang. Aftenens program ser ud som følgende: Tam Tam DJ Crew: Rascal Rummenigge, Nasty Nanna & Evil Elg. Smells Like Teen Spirit Karaoke Project by Kasper Sonne (sing when you're losing). Præmier fra Universal Music and Levi's. Gratis øl til de førstkommende." Tak til

Back to English! A Kurt Cobain tribute event will take place Tuesday April 6 in Nashville, Texas, according to the Nashville City Paper. Kurt Cobain Acoustic Tribute, w/Kim Collins, Losers Beat Winners, Dharmakaya and more, 8 p.m. at Radio Café, 1313 Woodland St., 228-6045.

French radio station Europe 2 is having a special Nirvana day on Monday, April 5, to mark the 10th anniversary of Kurt Cobain's death. Every other hour, a Nirvana song will be aired, along with testimonials from fans, including some celebrities. Beginning at 9 pm, a special show entitled "C'est quoi ton Nirvana" will give listeners the opportunity to interact and talk about what Nirvana meant or still means to them. This will be followed, at 11 pm, by a recording of one of Nirvana's concerts. More info here. For FM frequencies of this station, check their website. Another French radio station paying tribute to Kurt Cobain is Couleur 3. On April 5, the station's playlist will consist mainly of Nirvana songs and listeners will be encouraged to call in and share their thoughts on Cobain and the band. Couleur 3 can be reached in the French Rhone-Alpes region. More info here.

The April 5 issue of New York Magazine contains a lengthy and very interesting article/reflection on suicide, triggered by recent self-inflicted deaths among NYU students. At one point, the article mentions Kurt Cobain's suicide as a negative example to young people, however presenting this event as generating fewer copycat acts than Marilyn Monroe's death, for example. "Few copycat suicides were documented after Kurt Cobain's death, a dearth researchers have attributed to Courtney Love's emotional denunciation of his act - 'I want you all to say asshole really loud.' No one wanted to be an asshole." Read the full article here.

As a special tribute to Cobain and Nirvana, has put up for viewing three Nirvana videos. 'In Bloom': "... shows a dexterity that combines both a tension and a laid-back vibe that work off each other to produce some cool, constructed twists and turns." 'Heart-Shaped Box': "Poppy enough for the casual passer-by, sufficiently hardcore to appease the rabidly self-righteous" 'Smells Like Teen Spirit': "... has a 'goo'ey feeling inherent in its lurching structure." Watch the videos here.

To mark the 10th anniversary of Cobain's death, BBC Radio 2 will air a special documentary presented by Steve Lamacq on Saturday, April 3. "In a one-off special, Radio 2 looks at Kurt's ascent into the pantheon of departed Rock Gods, and finding out why music was never the same after Nirvana." More info here.

March 29, 2004

French music channel MCM is having a Kurt Cobain Homage week from March 29 to April 5. Nirvana videos, the Live! Tonight! Sold Out!! documentary, a Grunge special and Cameron Crowe's Singles, a great movie about the Seattle scene, will be aired during this Cobain Homage week. More info here. To find the schedules for the special Nirvana shows on MCM and Europe 2, click here. There will also be a number of Nirvana specials on MTV, MTV2 and VH-1. We'll post more on those soon.

More about Stephen Sweet's retrospective Nirvana photo exhibition in Melbourne, from Australian newspaper The Age.

More info on NME's Kurt's Choice CD: "To mark the tenth anniversary of Cobain's suicide on April 5, NME has collected together 13 of the tracks referenced by Kurt in his journal, interviews and music. Featuring artists such as Iggy Pop, PJ Harvey, Gang of Four and more obscure tracks from the DC hardcore underground and Seattle's grunge forefathers, 'Kurt's Choice' will be given away free with this weeks issue of your favourite music magazine. The CD features the following artists: Mudhoney, Gang of Four, Iggy Pop, Butthole Surfers, PJ Harvey, Leadbelly, Bad Brains, The Vaselines, The Melvins, The Slits, MDC, Rites of Spring and Faith." Thanks to Emily.

I have finally concluded the 29th NFC Poll: "Do you agree with the selection of songs for the Nirvana album?" Even though many of the initial votes were for "No", the final result has been pretty much fixed for several months. About 60% (8045) voted "Yes, it was fine" while 40% (4742) voted "No! Poor selection". A total of 12,787 votes were submitted all together. A new poll is up: "Would you be interested in a Spanish version of this website?"

Some news from Charles Peterson: "I'm proud to let you all know about my first New York show, featuring the work of Touch Me I'm Sick, opening at powerHouse's new gallery, April 1st, 8-10pm, 68 Charlton St. (between Varick and Hudson). Hope to see as many of you there as possible. The show runs through until May 1st. In other news: I've also confirmed my first museum show of work from Touch Me I'm Sick, opening February of 2005 in Norfolk, Virginia, at the Chrysler Museum of Art, a small but influential institution with a strong American photography collection. Hopefully shows in other regions to follow." Thanks to Charles! His book, Touch Me I'm Sick, feat. several Nirvana photos can be purchased online here.

The authors of a new Nirvana book (mentioned several times in this news section), Nirvana: The Chosen Rejects will be doing a book-signing on April 5. Here's the rundown: "The authors, in conjunction with WFNX-FM Boston, will be appearing at an exclusive book-signing at the original Newbury Comics store, on Newbury Street in Boston, Monday, April 5th, from 4-6pm. In Nirvana, The Chosen Rejects, a wealth of sources, including the authors' personal interviews with Kurt Cobain, Krist Novoselic and Dave Grohl, were used to reconstruct Nirvana's meteoric rise and the subsequent fall of their troubled lead singer. The result is a front row perspective of the musical influences that helped nurture Nirvana's seminal sound, the stories about the creation of their albums, and the ideas that shaped their songs. Nirvana, The Chosen Rejects also contains a comprehensive discography and an A-Z listing of every Nirvana song officially released."

March 28, 2004

In today's edition of The Sunday Times (A British paper), there is an article on Kurt and the 10th anniversary: "Cobain is the only figure from the past 50 years of music who has so far merited a special-edition tribute from both the NME (the weekly whose core readers were probably just learning to read when Smells Like Teen Spirit was released) and Mojo (the monthly whose readers more usually concern themselves with the Beatles, the Stones or Hendrix). Cobain transcends both generations and genres. For the past decade, his influence has permeated music." Read the full article here. Included with the Times is an interactive CD. "It is very well presented and fabolously set up, loads of band pop ups including The Melvins, Pixies, Scissor Sisters running interview on how Nirvana changed Shears (Scissor Sisters frontman), outlook on life/music and a whole load of other stuff." Thanks to Marek for info.

Right now, I don't know of any 'official' events taking place in the Seattle area to commemorate the 10th anniversary of Kurt's passing. However, a lot of fans are still planning on going to the city to meet up. My friend Eryn is currently organizing one such meet-up: "If you are for sure going to be in Seattle and would like to meet up with other Nirvana fans, a meet-up has been arranged. If you like to attend, it's on April 4th from 12:00 PM to 2:00 PM Seattle time. It will be right under the Space Needle in downtown Seattle, in the Seattle Center. To recognize those who have come there to meet other Nirvana/Grunge fans, please have a normal/any ink pen or pencil in your hand. Carry it so it can be easily seen. We wanted to think of something not so obvious, so creepy weirdos don't try to see what's going on. Please feel free to approch and join, don't be shy. We will only wait up till 2:00 PM, so please do not be late if you plan to come. No need to rsvp! Just come as you are! Thanks & well see you there!" For more info, visit this page.

Ant sent in this one: me and my friends are playing a tribute show to Kurt Cobain/Nirvana at this place called 'Hamilton Street' in Bound Brook, NJ on April 5th. We go on at 7:00 PM. Check this page for more info.

March 27, 2004

NME, The British music mag, has compiled a "Kurt's Choice" CD, a handful of tracks that influenced Kurt Cobain and Nirvana's sound. "To mark the tenth anniversary of Cobain's suicide on April 5, NME has collected 13 of the tracks referenced by Kurt in his journal, interviews and music. Featuring artists such as Iggy Pop, PJ Harvey, Gang of Four and more obscure tracks from the DC hardcore underground and Seattle's grunge forefathers, 'Kurt's Choice' will be given away free with the next issue of your favourite music magazine." Check for the entire tracklisting here. This issue of NME will be on sale starting March 31. Read previous news updates for other NME-features.

NME has also revealed the best Nirvana song ever, as voted by a panel of stars, including The Distillers' Brody Dalle, ex-Hole bassist Melissa Auf der Maur and 'Nevermind' producer Butch Vig. The song on top of the Nirvana all-time favourites list is, as expected, Smells Like Teen Spirit. Says Butch Vig: "The first time I heard 'Teen Spirit' I knew it was going to be an anthem. I just remember pacing around the room, my palms sweating, thinking, 'This is fucking amazing.' The hairs on the back of my neck still stand up when I remember that day in the studio. It was such an intense, visceral moment that I felt my body was filled with electrostatic particles." Visit NME's site for opinions on SLTS from Melissa Auf der Maur, Badly Drawn Boy, The Yeah Yeah Yeahs, Eugene Kelly of The Vaselines and more.

Australian newspaper The Herald Sun presents a brief analysis of what Cobain's artistry meant for the young people of the 90s, what makes people remember Nirvana today and the impact of Cobain's death on youth culture. Triple J music director Richard Kingsmill said Cobain's death was the end of grunge. "I knew everything in music would change after that. Grunge was over. Everything just became pop and RnB. People wanted happy music and the doom and gloom of grunge was put to bed." Read more here.

On April 19, Fear Factory will release their new album Archetype on Roadrunner Records in Europe. The disc includes a very cool cover of Nirvana's School from their Bleach album of course. The album is released on April 20 in the US. Thanks to Justin for info. You can listen to it here.

Mandana sent in this one: To celebrate the 10th anniversary of Kurt's unfortunate demise and to celebrate his music and memory, we have organized a night filled with great fun and music. Brandon Schott and his band will be performing at the Universal Bar and Grill in L.A. on April 3rd, next Saturday night. They are paying their tribute to Kurt by doing a few NIRVANA covers during their set. We've got Nirvana T-shirts and CDs to give away, and here's the deal: contact Mandana Beigi at and request to get the NIRVANA trivia questions - just send your answers back to us by Friday, April 2nd to be eligible to win! It's that easy! We'll announce the winners and shower you with gifts at the show (must be present to win!). Moreover, we'll have a memorial book for guests to sign so get creative. There will also be NIRVANA and Kurt Cobain fact sheets for you to take home. As noted, the event is at the Universal Bar & Grill on 4093 Lankershim Blvd in Universal City, CA (USA). It begins at 9:45 PM and there is a $7 cover ($5 if you bring the flyer). Thanks to Mandana.

The man arrested a year ago for Mia Zapata's murder has been found guilty. Jesus C. Mezquia, 49, has yet to be sentenced, but he's expected to serve between 22 and 30 years in prison. More info here.

March 26, 2004

Greeley Tribune article comparing the legacy of Kurt Cobain and Bill Hicks, ten years after their tragic deaths. "The Nirvana lead singer was unable to handle the excess of his success, but comedian Bill Hicks knew no such pains. The pair met their ends differently. Cobain committed suicide in April 1994; Hicks lost a slow, painful battle with pancreatic cancer in February of the same year. But the disparity between the memory of Cobain and Hicks 10 years later is remarkable. Cobain is idolized on the cover of music magazines for his impact on culture and music. The footage of Hicks' final Letterman performance has still never aired." Read more here.

Indianapolis Star article about musician/comedian Weird Al Yankovic, mentioning his take on Nirvana's Smells Like Teen Spirit and Cobain's opinion of it. "The late Kurt Cobain said he knew he was a success when Yankovic did 'Smells Like Nirvana' in 1992." More here.

Melbourne-based photographer Stephen Sweet will be marking the 10th anniversary of Kurt Cobain's death through a retrospective exhibition of Nirvana photos. Says Sweet: "It's astonishing to me that it's 10 years since his death. In that time nothing has come close to influencing music the way that he did. These photographs have turned out to be the most important ones that I have so far taken and I would now like people to see them." The Kurt Cobain Retrospective exhibition can be visited at Marios, 303 Brunswick Street, Fitzroy in Melbourne, Australia, from 30 March until April 12. Story courtesy of The Age. Some of Stephen's photographs appear in the Nirvana photo book "Winterlong".

NME music mag wants to hear from Nirvana fans who have had the chance to have their picture taken with one of the members of the legendary band. "Ever had your picture taken with Pat Smear? Or Dave Grohl? What about Krist Novoselic? Chad Channing? Or even the one and only Kurt Cobain? If you have and you have the evidence to prove it then we want to hear from you! We want to get your images from those happy old Nirvana days, of you pictured with one, or all of the band, for an NME Picture This special! Simply scan in your images and e-mail them over to us at NME towers, to and the best pictures will be featured in next week's issue! Remember to include your full name, age, address, and when and where the photo was taken." Info courtesy of NME. Apparently, a lot of upcoming issues of NME will have Nirvana and Cobain features.

There will also be a Nirvana Tribute show in Hong Kong on April 16. The event takes place at the Estoril Club House (55 Garden Road), Mid Levels, Hong Kong. It starts at around 6 PM. There will be bands such as All Aluminum Can, Nought 260 and others playing Nirvana covers. In addition, an open mic event is planned where anyone in the audience can come up and do their thing. Thanks to Indy for the info.

March 25, 2004

Seattle radio station 107,7 The End is having another 'Block Party Weekend' this weekend! From The End newsletter: "Due to popular demand (actually, you asked very nicely), this weekend on The End, it's another Block Party Weekend! All weekend, tune in to The End for 3-song blocks from your favorite alternative bands - Beastie Boys, Nirvana, Ramones, Sublime, Radiohead, Rage and more. Plus, we'll throw in some new music blocks featuring the latest sounds from Franz Ferdinand, Jem, Modest Mouse, Jet and others, a few exclusive EndSession blocks and we'll let you take over the radio with plenty of all-request blocks. 1077 The End's Block Party Weekend starts Friday (3/26) at 3pm."

British playwright and actor Roy Smiles is working on a fictional dialogue between Sex Pistols member Sid Vicious and Nirvana's Kurt Cobain that he hopes to take to British theaters next year. This won't be the playwright's first attempt at portraying unconventional rock stars, as he is also the author of 'Janis', the story of Texas-born rock star Janis Joplin, who died in 1970, aged 27, after a huge heroin overdose. Says Smiles: "I'm attracted to rock stars who have a big problem with drugs. I've always had a morbid fascination with self destruction, it speaks to me." Story courtesy of The Jerusalem Post. Read it here.

American newspaper Rockford Register Star has published the results of its reader poll about the most important names and events of the 90s. "Back in January, we asked Register Star readers to share memories of our most recent decade. Our goal: To beat VH1 to the punch, since the cable channel already nailed the 1970s and 1980s with two feel-good series." As expected, Kurt Cobain is mentioned along with Monica Lewinsky, Princess Di and OJ in the list of names that people associate with the '90s. Read more here.

Rolling Stone music mag has prepared three special issues that will come out this year, in celebration of the 50th anniversary of rock n roll. The first installment of this series will feature a list of 50 'immortal' rock stars, with Nirvana appearing at number 27. "Buddy Holly, Otis Redding, Janis Joplin and Kurt Cobain all died in their 20s, but they will live forever in the hearts and stereos of rock fans. They're enshrined in 'The Immortals', the first of three special issues this year to commemorate the 50th anniversary of rock n roll. The magazine, which arrives on newsstands Friday, toasts the genre's 50 greatest artists of all time in testimonials by such admirers as Lou Reed, Eddie Vedder, Tom Petty, Paul Simon and Marilyn Manson." Story courtesy of USA Today.

MTV2 and VH2 are preparing 5 days of Nirvana documentaries, videos and concerts as part of the RIP Kurt Cobain Week, in association with NME. While MTV2 will focus on the Cobain legacy and try to find out what Nirvana means to young people nowadays, VH2 will take up the task of presenting the most important moments in the history of the band, from its beginnings to its spectacular ascension. RIP Kurt Cobain Week starts on April 3 on both music channels.

Australian-based photographer Stephen Sweet talks to about his photo sessions with Nirvana. Sweet recollects his encounters with the band, from their first concerts in Britain to a Melody Maker shoot in New York in July 1993. The British-born photographer says that, although Cobain never put great emphasis on his image, he always managed to entrance the lens. "He was never going to make it easy, but I didn't mind that. He didn't want to pull stock poses. He didn't give a shit but he knew what you wanted and occasionally he'd give it to you. You just had to be ready. He was beautiful in his own way but he did his own thing. I don't think he was being punk or anything. If anything he was reluctant." Read more here, courtesy of NME.

March 24, 2004

Interesting ABC News article about the Kurt Cobain legacy, analyzing the impact of his suicide on the life of his family and band mates. "To many fans, April 5, 2004 will be a day to celebrate an artist's work and influence. But to Cobain's loved ones, it will be a day where old wounds will reopen and unanswered questions will resurface. Cobain is remembered as forever young — but he is forever young and haunted. And because of his demons, an 11-year-old girl continues to go through life with just a few memories of her father." Read more here. is conducting an online poll to find the 'Top 10 Rock Videos of the 90s'. "From Nirvana to Beck and Radiohead to Blink-182, rock in the 90s was all over the place. Check out the list and vote for your favorite 90s rock video, then tune in to the 'Top 10 Rock Videos' of the 90s on MTV2 Saturday, April 10, 2004 to see if your picks make the cut." As expected, Nirvana's Smells Like Teen Spirit is among the 52 songs voters can pick from. You can place your vote here.

Sydney Morning Herald article about the SBS documentary series 'Songs that Changed the World' that recently featured Nirvana's Smells Like Teen Spirit. "Named in honour of a deodorant pitched at young American women, it might not sound like the kind of song that rewrote the book on music in the early 90s, but it did. Emerging at a time when young consumers felt disconnected from the kind of music being churned out by record companies, Nirvana - and posterboy Kurt Cobain, who committed suicide in April 1994 - became instantly famous." Read more.

Another Courtney-bashing commentary, courtesy of the WorldNetDaily news website. "Now 39 going on 13, Love is vulgar, wasted, violent and vain – the epitome of the Hollyweird sex symbol. And yet, the industry still adores and excuses her. 'She's just battling her demons right now. I think the fans will look past the demons to see the talent underneath,' Max Tolkoff of the trade magazine Radio & Records told the press." Full story here.

Great Kurt Loder article/interview with Courtney Love on At one point during the interview, Courtney confesses to her grief about her late husband's death. " 'They say it takes two years to get over something like that,' she said, leaning in close. 'Then it gets better, you can move on. But then, eight years later, it all starts coming back, all over again.' " Read more here.

If you were wondering what Frances Bean is up to, in the midst of all this Courtney fracas, she's apparently doing fine and practicing to become a budding horsewoman, as her mom proudly revealed to reporters, after a Howard Stern show. "She's great, she's doing really well. She's at home. She's got a really important horse show this weekend. She does a lot of dressage. She's very good with a horse, like Olympic level good. She's popular, she's one of the top three riders in LA county -- her and Katherine Schwarzenegger." Read more here.

On April 10 there will be a Kurt Cobain tribute show in Toronto, Canada at a venue called 'The 360'. A band called Foovana wil apparently be headlining. The 360 website should have more info soon. There will also be a Nirvana tribute show in the Middle East! Specifically the show takes place in Dubai, United Arab Emirates on April 8. The gig involves a four-piece band, a 'grunge' DJ and a big-screen montage of various Kurt and Nirvana stills, extracts from videos and more. It will be held at the Terminal in Dubai, near the Airport Hotel. Admission is free. Thanks to Michael Ross for the info. More tributes: Romanian alternative rock band Luna Amara (eng. Bitter Moon) is going to perform a Nirvana tribute concert that is due to take place Wednesday March 31 at 9 pm, at the Swing House in Bucharest, Romania. This is not the first time the Romanian band pays tribute to one of their major musical influences, a similar event having taken place last year. In fact, Luna Amara often slips in one or two Nirvana covers in their usual live sets. Read more about the band here. On April 24th 2004, there will be a Nirvana Tribute in Querétaro City, México. About 18 local bands will play, each 2 songs, and a string-quartet will even play Nirvana. Also planned is an art gallery of Cobain and Nirvana by local and foreign artists. It will be at the Cultural Center "Manuel Gomez Morin" in Querétaro City, with the support of the Municipal Government and Conaculta, starting at 4:00 PM. Thanks to Gil.

102.1 The Edge - a Toronto based radio station - will be playing a bunch of Nirvana songs on April 8th. They are asking people to call in to discuss when they heard about Kurt's passing. The two-hour special on April 8 begins at 6 PM. In addition, they will be celebrating the rise of Nirvana with a series of special features from April 5-8. You can listen online at Thanks to Lana for updated/corrected information.

The April issue of Record Collector Magazine has a large Nirvana section. They have a big price guide, plenty of sidebars with a timeline, covers, 1st & last shows, mystery records, bootlegs, Pennyroyal Tea promo CD fakes, the 2 Reading shows and "In the Vaults". They also have a Love Buzz single valued at 700 pounds, that'd be about 1000 something bucks. The April issue of Hit Parader also has a 16-page section on Cobain and Nirvana in light of the 10th anniversary.

March 22, 2004

Looks like our friend Krist Novoselic is working on a book! But before you get too excited: the book is mainly focused on politics and not Nirvana. Nevertheless, it should be a very interesting read: "One part memoir, one part political platform, the bass player of Nirvana -- the most heralded and influential rock band of the past fifteen years -- tells the story of his own musical and political coming-of-age. From his relationship to Kurt Cobain to his evolution as a political activist, Novoselic's passion, intelligence, and integrity come shining through in this moving and inspirational book. With the exception of Kurt Cobain's posthumously released journals, this is the first book by a founding member of the legendary Nirvana.

Though Krist Novoselic is best known for his role in Nirvana, his accomplishments go far beyond that remarkable achievement. Nirvana was a band with a conscience, one of the few major label acts to regularly played benefits -- the first Rock For Choice show, a major concert in support of gay rights, and a seminal gig that raised money for the Balkan Women's Aid Fund.

In 1995, Novoselic founded JAMPAC (Joint Artists and Music Promotions Political Action Committee), a proactive organization that advocated on behalf of Washington State's music community. Novoselic's work with JAMPAC helped Seattle club owners find ways to host all-ages shows, and was instrumental in helping to overturn the infamous Teen Dance Ordinance. And sometimes making music and making a statement go hand in hand, as when Novoselic, Soundgarden's Kim Thayil, and drummer Gina Mainwal backed Jello Biafra as the 'No W.T.O. Combo' at a show performed during the World Trade Organization (WTO) conference held in Seattle in 1999.

There have been other musical endeavors since Nirvana, as well as new causes (Novoselic is a strong supporter of electoral reform, an issue he writes about extensively on his website and in this book). The one constant is Novoselic's desire to continue making progressive contributions to the community -- and to keep on making good music."

The book is entitled "Of Grunge & Government: Let's Fix This Broken Democracy!" and it is scheduled for a September 2004 release. It will be 150 pages and it comes out on Akashic Books/RDV books, based in New York. They've put out other political titles, such as "The Five Biggest Lies Bush Told Us About Iraq". Thanks to Johnny for info. Krist is currently involved with several political organizations, most notably Music for America - an organization aiming to get more young voters. Of course, this is in particular important in regards to the upcoming US election.

March 21, 2004

Here's some more info on the special issue of "Uncut Legends: Kurt Cobain" (A British magazine) that came out this past Monday: "Following the critically acclaimed volume dedicated to Bob Dylan, Uncut proudly presents Kurt Cobain. This 148 page magazine, devoted to the lead singer and guitarist with Nirvana, contains a previously unpublished, late-career interview which has already been the subject of great excitement on the web and in the UK press. Uncut Legends: Kurt Cobain also covers the grunge king's career from the early days on the Seattle music scene, through the mass exposure of 'Nevermind' to his tragic suicide in April 1994. Published to honour the 10th anniversary of his death, Uncut Legends: Kurt Cobain also features: The Top 20 Nirvana Songs as voted by Kurt's fellow musicians. The greatest Nirvana photo sessions ever, annotated by the photographers. All the band's classic releases re-assessed. The world's best rock writers celebrating the genius of Kurt the singer, songwriter, celebrity, fashion icon etc. Uncut Legends: Kurt Cobain, the most detailed and insightful magazine about Kurt ever published, is on sale now, priced £5.50. Uncut Presents: Kurt Cobain is available at retailers nationwide or you can order on-line @" Thanks to Emily.

More violent incidents at Courtney Loveø's concerts: A day after she was arrested for hitting a fan with her microphone stand, at a show in an East Village club, Courtney injured a photographer during a stage dive at the Bowery Ballroom in New York. More info in this NY Daily News article. And a review of Love's Bowery Ballroom show in the NY Post here. MTV also reviewed her New York show on Thursday: "Once upon a time, Courtney Love wasn't considered a total disaster. Sure, she was a mess, but she was a charismatic mess, as daring as she was disruptive, a punk rock diva party-crasher who made just as many fans as enemies with her antics. But instead of making a comeback, Love is on a losing streak, with her record sales plummeting as her arrest record grows, and almost everything she does lately being viewed as proof of her unraveling. Yes, her show Thursday night at the Bowery Ballroom started an hour and a half late. And yes, she stripped down to her underwear. And yes, she was hoarse. Yet losing her voice may have helped her win back a few fans — not because it shut her up (it didn't), but because it lent her a moving emotional eloquence." Read the full story here. For more on Love's arrest that Thursday, read this.

I'll try to limit the amount of Courtney Love-related news since I would probably be spending most of my time in front of a computer if I was to keep up with all her stunts, but here is a story that has some relevance to Nirvana and Cobain: "A Los Angeles psychiatrist claims Courtney Love is out of control and should be put in jail or a rehabilitation centre, in the benefit of her daughter, Frances Bean Cobain. 'She's so out of control, it seems that only a judge putting her in jail or in rehab will stop the cycle of abuse. It may well save her life.' Carole Leiberman believes that 'if Courtney continues down the path she's on, her 11-year-old daughter Frances Bean - whose father is late Nirvana frontman Kurt Cobain - could be left an orphan.' " Read more here.

Last Saturday on the British TV channel ITV, the program 'Stars in Their Eyes Kids 2004' had someone posing as Kurt Cobain, playing Smells Like Teen Spirit. Apparently he was just 10 years old! Thanks to Greg and Adam for the story.

On April 9th in Rome, GA (just 1 hour from Atlanta) there is a tribute to Kurt Cobain and NIRVANA. The show consists of many acts of local musicians who have been influenced by Nirvana. There will be acoustic performances as well as full band sets. The performers include Josh Chambers (who appears with a cover of Sappy on the third NFC Compilation), members of Punch Drunk, Boddah (a band formed by local musicans for the show), Dalton Bohanan, Nathan Hendicks, members of The loose Skrews, and many others. Some songs to be preformed are: 'Breed', 'Polly', 'On a plain', 'Pennyroyal Tea' (acoustic), 'Man who sold the world' (acoustic), 'Dumb' (acoustic), 'Son of a gun' (acoustic), 'Been a son' (acoustic), 'Where did you sleep last night' (acoustic), 'Sliver' (acoustic), 'Radio friendly unit shifter', 'tourettes', 'Serve the servants', 'Mr. Moustache', 'Lithium', 'Something in the way', 'Lounge act', 'Aneurysm', 'Jesus don't want me for a sunbeam', 'All Apologies', 'Endless, Nameless', 'Come as you are' and more. There will also be a showing of a live DVD from 7.12.1989 at J.C. Dobbs in Philadelphia, entitled "Dive into Philly". The show starts around 7PM and the cover is just donations. The show is at The Rabbit Hole venue. There will also be some Kurt Cobain and Nirvana ARTWORK in the gallery. The Rabbit hole is located on the corner of 6th Avenue and Broad St. in downtown Rome. Thanks to Dalton for the info.

Kurt is on the cover of the March issue of OOR Magazine (it's from holland). There is an article about the nineties in it and Nirvana is on the number 1 spot. There is another article about Kurt where they ask Dutch musicians about when they heard of Kurt's body being found, i.e. where they were at that time, and how kurt influenced their lyrics and music and stuff. Thanks to Steven.

In the April 2004 issue of Spin magazine there's a special tribute to Kurt Cobain listing 6 sections on Kurt and the grunge era. The Ghost of Saint Kurt, The 20 Greatest Grunge Albums of all Time, A Brief History of Grunge, In Bloom (Friends and famous fans share their favorite memories of Cobain's life and work). Gig Gallery and Selling Out. There's a little article called About A Man: Ten years into the possible future of Kurt Cobain. An excerpt: 'August 20, 1994: Cobain files for divorce from his wife of two and a half years, Courtney Love.' Interesting! Thanks to Riotboy from the NFC Board for this one.

Australian Nirvana fans might want to know that SBS' Documentary 'Songs That Changed The World' will feature Smells Like Teen Spirit on Wednesday night 24 March @ 7:30 PM.

The April 3rd issue of NME will be dedicated to Kurt Cobain. It includes a free covermount CD that features 13 tracks chosen by Kurt as the tracks that inspired him. Its called 'Kurt's Choice' and includes tracks by Mudhoney, The Slits and PJ Harvey. Thanks to Emily for the info.

March 18, 2004

Interesting Grohl interview/article in Spin. Taken on the set of the [Probot] 'Shake Your Blood' video, it presents a new perspective on Dave's artistic evolution from Foo Fighters to QOTSA to Probot: "It sometimes seems like Grohl, 35, has spent his entire post-Nirvana career struggling to be taken less seriously. It's as if he's tried to downplay his association with the most profound rock tragedy since John Lennon's murder by living as goofy a public life as possible." Read more here.

Courtney Love made a flamboyant appearance on the David Letterman show, recently. At one point during the talk show, the singer jumped on the host's desk and bared her breasts. "Clearly bra-less, she finally exposed herself while singing Danny Boy on top of Letterman's desk, forcing the network to blur the picture using a time delay. Love then boasted: 'I haven't shown my boobs for so long.' " One of Love's best friends, Drew Barrymore, pulled a similar trick on the show back in 1995 for Dave's birthday. Read the story here and more here.

C. Lo also put on a show in court recently: "Beleaguered US rocker Courtney Love burst into tears after she turned up more than two hours late for a hearing on drug possession charges, only to be scolded by the judge for talking." She appeared for a hearing in the trial on two felony drug counts. The new date for the hearing is April 15. Read the full story here.

British music mag NME has asked a panel of stars to vote for their favourite Nirvana song. Some of the celebrities, including Brody Dalle, Melissa Auf der Maur and 'Nevermind' producer Butch Vig, explain their choice in the 'Uncut Legends' Cobain special that came out this week. The top 20 Nirvana songs is counted two per day on the NME website. As of right now, songs 20-15 have been revealed. 20: You Know You're Right 19: On a Plain 18: Polly 17: Negative Creep 16: In Bloom and 15: Serve The Servants. The whole list will be available on March 26. Read more here. Thanks to Sam.

Article about the Nirvana legacy in The Brock Press. It doesn't make any new points, merely presenting a brief history of Nirvana and the impact they had on the music industry. Read it here.

One of the premier Nirvana cover-bands, Lithium: A Tribute to Nirvana, will be playing a show in Sauget, IL on April 10. The show takes place at a club called Pop's and will begin at 8.00 PM. "Lithium is a stunning recreation of the sound and energy created by one of rock's greatest unions: NIRVANA. This show commemorates the 10th anniversary of the death of Kurt Cobain. Lithium plays each show to try and re-light the wick that has kept the stage dark for some time. Whether a huge auditorium or a small closet club, you'll feel as if you've transcended back a decade ... to a time when angst was a muse for some of the greatest songs ever written. Here we are now---to entertain you." Read more and get tickets here. You can also find a couple of tracks by the band on the 3rd NFC Compilation. Thanks to Rick and the Pop's website for info.

In Germany there will also be tribute events happening in April. On the 17th of April there is a 'Kurt Cobain Memorial Night' in Hamburg, Germany at the Markthalle. There will be a 'visual video disco' feat. a virtual Nirvana concert (a 1991 Amsterdam show), Nirvana bootleg videos, a DVD-collage by a German Nirvana fan, a mega-slideshow with more than 4000 Nirvana pictures and various Nirvana music running. On the 2nd floor of the venue, live bands will be playing, including Black Box Pilot and Bleak. The former appears on the 3rd NFC Compilation. You can order tickets for the event here and read more here. You can also check out an info-folder in German. Thanks to Andreas for info.

The book "Teen Spirit: The Stories Behind Every Nirvana Song" by Chuck Crisafulli has been published in a new edition with a different cover. "The book follows Nirvana from its earliest beginnings to rock superstardom, pinpointing the genesis of each of the band's original songs and exploring the sources from which they chose the cover songs that punctuated their records. Dozens of superb photographs illustrate Nirvana's amazing story." You can order it online here. Also, published this month, a paperback edition of the excellent book "Nirvana: Nevermind" by Charles R. Cross and Jim Berkenstadt. Order it online here.

German emopunkrockers "katzenstreik" (eng.: wildcat strike) released their third album on German grunge and garagepunk label "unterm durchschnitt". The record combines emotional and sometimes sad themes in a very poetic way. The band has punkrock roots but on the new record they are focusing on more rock and grungesounds that people will love that listen to bands as superchunk (City Slang Records) and some other kind of freaky indierockers. Lyrics are personal with a touch of political background. You can listen to an mp3 by the band here.

March 16, 2004

My e-mail didn't work properly between parts of Sunday and all of Monday (March 15). So if you've tried to e-mail me on one of those days, please re-send your message. Thanks.

March 12, 2004

Reuters published an interesting story earlier today: "In the months before he shot himself, American rock legend Kurt Cobain was considering quitting his band Nirvana to work with his wife, singer Courtney Love, according to a previously unpublished interview. Nirvana's tragic frontman said he had a stronger musical affinity with Love's own band, Hole, than he had found with any other musicians, according to Britain's 'Uncut' magazine, which will publish the interview next Monday ahead of the 10th anniversary of his death. 'I'd like to (collaborate with Love),' he said in the interview eight months before his suicide. 'But to tell you the truth, I would rather just quit my band and join Hole. When I have played music with them, there's a level of connection that's a little bit higher than with anyone else I ever played with,' he added. Cobain said in the interview, originally intended for French television, that he was thinking of moving away from his grunge roots toward acoustic music. 'It might be nice to start playing acoustic guitar and be thought of as a singer and a songwriter, rather than a grunge rocker,' he said. 'I could sit down on a chair and play acoustic guitar like Johnny Cash or something, and it won't be a big joke.' " Full story here. The magazine with the interview will be published on March 16 in the UK. Read more at the mag's own website here. Thanks to Eddie and Sam.

March 11, 2004

The NME [British music mag] is looking for Nirvana superfans to take part in a special issue commemorating the 10th anniversary of Kurt Cobain's suicide. If you have a 'shrine' to Kurt or a huge collection of memorabilia that you would like to share with the world, then please get in touch NOW. Please send an email with the Subject line 'NME NIRVANA FAN' that includes your name, age, address, contact details (email/dayime phone) and if possible a picture of your shrine/collection (if not, then a detailed description will do) to this address: Thanks to Dan S.

In a January 16 story I mentioned a huge competition that BBC's Radio 1 had launched - offering the chance of a lifetime for one Nirvana fan. The prize was a trip to Seattle, including a visit to all the 'Nirvana landmarks' and interviews with people that were close to the band. The guy who won the contest, Daniel Sasto, was kind enough to send me a lengthy account of his experiences. You can read it here (In Word format).

Radio One will air a special show on the trip, including segments from the interviews he did. The programme airs on Monday April 5 at 11pm (UK time). BBC Radio1 98.8FM on the Lamacq Live show, and the programme is entitled 'Kurt and Me.' I believe you can listen to Radio One from the BBC website if you don't have FM access to it.

Portland filmmaker Gus Van Sant has chosen actor Michael Pitt to star in his upcoming project, Last Days, a film about the grunge music scene of the '90s. Sources close to the project emphasized that Pitt will not be playing Cobain but the lead singer of a band whose trajectory resembles that of Cobain and Nirvana. Lukas Haas would play another member of that band. The project is most likely to be financed by HBO Films, which has also produced Van Sant's Columbine-inspired Elephant. Read more here, courtesy of Reuters. Thanks to Uanah, Shane and Oscar.

Australian TV channel SBS is broadcasting a nine-part documentary series entitled 'Songs That Changed The World'. Apparently, Nirvana will be featured on the show in the coming weeks. The show is aired every Wednesday at 7.30 pm. Read more here.

Nirvana's Unplugged in New York is mentioned in a NY Times article about cds that 'still sound good years later', along with albums by Radiohead, Jeff Buckley, PJ Harvey and Cesaria Evora. "Rather than being musically immediate (like Nevermind), Unplugged is emotionally immediate, with Kurt Cobain turning cover songs like the Meat Puppets' Lake of Fire and Leadbelly's Where Did You Sleep Last Night into blistering lamentations of his own." Story courtesy of The New York Times. Read it here.

Last night, Limp Bizkit played a very nice cover of Nirvana's You Know You're Right at a concert in Copenhagen, Denmark. Apparently, the song is a fixed part of their current setlist. The band is currently on tour in Europe. Bizkit frontman Fred Durst is a big fan of Kurt Cobain and has a large tattoo of Cobain on his chest. Several songs by the band mention Cobain directly or were written about the late singer.

Seattle Weekly have published an article about the making of the 'No Depression: What It Sounds Like, Vol. 1' compilation. Krist Novoselic is mentioned talking about 'an old unreleased Nirvana track' that might be featured on the upcoming boxset. Read more here.

Courtney Love faces a new charge for misdemeanour and disorderly conduct. The rocker already faces one misdemeanour charge of being under the influence of a controlled substance and is charged separately in Beverly Hills Superior Court on two felony counts of drug possession. Scheduled to begin yesterday, Love's trial was postponed because the results of her drug test were not complete. Read the story here, courtesy of Reuters.

Another visual artist pays tribute to the memory of Kurt Cobain. This week, Banks Violette presents a critical homage to Kurt Cobain, the grunge generation's pop-martyr, at the Whitney Museum in NY, earning him a well-deserved place as one of New York Magazine's top-ten favorite participants in the much-anticipated 2004 Biennial Exhibition. Read an interview with the artist here.

March 7, 2004

A Toronto Star article mentions the Modern Albums Live Nevermind Show at the Phoenix Concert Theatre on Thursday (see Feb. 13 story for more info). The Nevermind show, conducted by a band that includes members of Moist, Crash Kelly and the Full Nine, arrives just a month before the 10th anniversary of Kurt Cobain's suicide, although producers think of it as "a late birthday party" and not a musical memorial service. "When this record came out, I'd more or less given up on new music. I was working at Polygram at the time, and I was hearing records by people like Richie Sambora and Sue Medley and thinking: 'This sucks.' But I remember hanging out with this guy Art — Art from the art department — and listening to an advance of Nevermind and just being blown away", explains producer Craig Martin. Read more about the show here.

Well, apparently Krist Novoselic is getting married! According to an article in the Tacoma News Tribune, Krist Novoselic has applied for a marriage license through the Pierce County Auditor's office on Feb. 23. The female applicant is listed as 41-year-old artist Darbury Ayn Stenderu. The article doesn't state whether the two have already gotten married or are going to in the near future. The soonest the couple could have legally married, according to the application, was Feb. 26. They could not be reached for comment. Story courtesy of the Tacoma News Tribute. Read more here.

American music magazine No Depression has produced a CD compilation that is released in the UK on March 8 and the following day in The US. Entitled No Depression: What it Sounds Like (Vol. 1), the disc opens with the late Johnny Cash's rendition of Willie Nelson's "The Time of the Preacher", featuring Krist Novoselic on bass guitar. Soundgarden's Kim Thayill and Alice in Chains' Sean Kinney complete the star line-up. More.

Filmmaker Gus Van Sant talks about his latest project, "Last Days", in an interview for the Portland Tribune. Asked why he has chosen to make a movie about the grunge scene of the 90s, Van Sant said: "It's a local phenomenon. It's really sort of about one guy, and -- at this point at least -- it has one club scene, but it's not about the club scene so much. It's about the psychology of the lead character. Sort of experiencing his last days." During the interview, Van Sant also talks about meeting Kurt Cobain, being in a band, and what he thinks about 'kids these days'. Read more here.

Reuters/Billboard have published an article about artist and Nirvana worshipper Slater Bradley. His video project called 'Stoned & Dethroned', dedicated 'to Kurdt', can be seen through March 27 at Manhattan's Team gallery. "Ten years after Kurt Cobain's 1994 suicide, a new Nirvana video is out. It features a familiar figure in a gray cardigan and Sonic Youth T-shirt, shaggy hair flopping in his face, blasting through 'Negative Creep.' The grainy, distorted Super 8 footage appears to be from a live concert, yet the audience is suspiciously absent. Indeed, the short film isn't available on MTV, and it isn't actually Cobain. Or Nirvana. What's actually playing over and over again in a small, darkened room in Manhattan's Chelsea district is an installation by artist Slater Bradley. Bradley dressed up his 'doppelganger' Benjamin Brock as Cobain, threw him onstage with a guitar and a 'band,' and called the faux-Nirvana performance 'Phantom Release.' " Read the full story here.

March 5, 2004

The much-anticipated new book: "Nirvana: The Chosen Rejects" will be published on April 1: "As the 10th year anniversary of the death of Kurt Cobain approaches, St. Martin's Press proudly announces the release of the ultimate Nirvana fan book, Nirvana: The Chosen Rejects, written and compiled by independent filmmaker Kurt St. Thomas and rock radio veteran Troy Smith. In Nirvana, the Chosen Rejects, a wealth of sources, including the authors' personal interviews with Kurt Cobain, Krist Novoselic and Dave Grohl, were used to reconstruct Nirvana's meteoric rise and the subsequent fall of their troubled lead singer. The result is a front row perspective of the musical influences that helped nurture Nirvana's seminal sound, the stories about the creation of their albums, and the ideas that shaped their songs. Nirvana, The Chosen Rejects also contains a comprehensive discography and an A-Z listing of every Nirvana song officially released."

St. Thomas and Smith produced the official "Nevermind: It's an Interview" disc. The book is 336 pages and includes 8 pages of photos. You can pre-order it here. You can also check the brief interview NFC did with Kurt St. Thomas in connection with the 10-year anniversary of the Nevermind album. Click here for that. We hope to have an interview with St. Thomas and Troy Smith ready for early April.

Kurt Cobain is on the cover of the April issue of Revolver Magazine out now. The article inside talks mainly about the "Grunge Revolution" and about Kurt. Kurt is also on the cover of the March issue of Guitar Magazine

"Seattle radio station The End ( is having a Block Party weekend this weekend! This means a lot of Nirvana will be aired, including listener requests. From Endmail, the radio station's newsletter: 'Block Party Returns! Attention, blockheads! This weekend (March 5-7) Seattle's original Block Party returns to The End. It's a Block Party Weekend, and that means (in case you forgot), that all weekend we'll be playing 3-in-a-row from your favorite End bands, goin' deep on Nirvana, Green Day, Chili Peppers, PJ and more. Plus, we'll be playing new music blocks with new alternative tunes including Modest Mouse, IMA Robot, 311, Death Cab, Yeah Yeah Yeahs and the Von Bondies. And, we'll leave plenty of room for your block party request band and song requests. The End's Block Party Weekend starts Friday at 3pm.' " Excellent!

A Cobain tribute show, entitled Nevermind, is to take place Thursday April 8, at the Limelight Club on Ormeau Avenue in Belfast, Ireland. Organizers are still looking for local artists and bands that want to perform at the event. Story courtesy of the Belfast Telegraph. Read more here.

Brock Press article about interviewer, musician and funny man Nardwuar. He mentions the interview he made with Cobain on Jan 4, 1994, following a show in Canada. Read the article here.

March 2, 2004

The latest issue of Q Magazine features Kurt Cobain on the cover, to celebrate 'The Genius of Kurt Cobain'. "In the new issue of Q we present a major retrospective of the Nirvana star - from extraordinary unseen pictures and the story behind every song to fans' recollections of Nirvana's first ever gig and 20 ways that Kurt changed the world. Remember. Without Nirvana we may have never killed off poodle-haired US rock and we'd only associate Seattle with Starbucks. Sometimes brutal, bleak, but always brilliant, come celebrate Nirvana's legacy with Q. The April issue of Q is on sale now."

Krist Novoselic will be present in Vancouver this coming Saturday at two rock concerts hosted by Music for America (an organization aiming to get more young people to vote). "Besides music, the concerts will feature appearances by former Nirvana bassist Krist Novoselic, U.S. Rep. Brian Baird, and state attorney general and gubernatorial candidate Christine Gregoire. Registering to vote at the door earns free admission. Otherwise it's $5. Registered voters can show their registration cards for free admittance. Anyone not sure about their status can re-register. An all-ages show begins at 2 p.m. Saturday at the Vertigo Gallery, 1510 Washington St., in downtown Vancouver. The concert will feature The Rouge, Johnny X and the Groadies, and Dub Sac Affiliates." Read more.

"During the Limp Bizkit concert on February 27 in Lisbon, Portugal, Fred Durst told everyone that his favorite band was Nirvana and then he sang You Know You're Right. In the end he said 'This is to you Kurt'." Thanks to João Santos for the story.

This is by no means Nirvana-related but it's such an amazing innovation that I had to share it. Metallica have launched a great (no, FANTASTIC) new service that allows people to download entire shows in high soundboard quality from a new website. The shows are recordings of their current tour and will be available on the website within 48 hours from the end of the concert. The shows are available as MP3 files (compressed = lossy in terms of quality) and FLAC (uncompressed). The price is, for most shows, $9.95 for mp3 and $12.95 for FLAC. At this time, 34 shows are available for pre-order! Some more info: "This is the next logical step in a process that began back in 1991 when we first implemented the 'Taper Section' at our shows, where our fans were encouraged to bring in their own gear to record the show, and then take home their very own 'bootleg' of the concert they had just seen,' said METALLICA drummer Lars Ulrich. 'This technology will enable our fans to get the best possible recording of the show, without having to hold a microphone in the air for the entire night!' " There will also be an additional option of having custom CD artwork printed out. The site is available at

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