NFC News 04/2000
- - - April 26, 2000 - - -

Our favorite inside source sent in this interesting tidbit; "I was looking at your web site & the info about the unreleased Nirvana tracks. I've heard one of them. Basically, if I recall correctly, it was another Leadbelly song, done at the same time as some of the sessions for the first Mark Lanegan solo album. It was pencilled in under the name 'The Jury', & was Mark on vocals, Kurt on guitar, plus Krist & I think Mark Pickeral on drums. (Note: I believe the title of the song is 'Ain't it a shame' but it was done during 'The Jury' sessions ... NFC). But on this unreleased track, Kurt ended up doing the vocals. Strictly speaking, it wasn't made as a 'Nirvana' track, but it is essentially them playing it. The track itself was very upbeat & punk rock - quite a departure from the other Leadbelly song they did, 'Where Did You Sleep last Night?'. There was talk last year, of adding the track to a 10 year anniversary reissue of 'Bleach' on Sub Pop, along with a CD-Rom component. But I gather it got held up in legal wrangling (Krist is known not to be a fan of Sub Pop). What has made it more complicated is that Geffen are interested in the track for the box set - so that is part of the legal hassle." That the reason for the Bleach re-release not happening (for now anyway) is indeed legal reasons, as Jack Endino also noted in one of his newsletters. But, it would be cool if the track mentioned above made it to the Boxed Set. Only time will tell!

Adam sent in this; "I talked to a girl who used to be on the HSMB, and she mentioned the Bleach Re-issue song was going to be Ain't it a Shame. She didn't say the guy's name who told her, but she said not to mention it because it was a secret. If you doubted whoever gave you that informaiton in the news update, there's a bit more evidence of it being that song." Thanks Adam. Another source supporting the original info is Ned who sent in this; "The Jury song mentioned in your News 4/26 is either 'Aint It A Shame' or 'Grey Goose'. the Jury was a really short-lived project-- Kurt and Mark Lanegan recorded only on 8/20/89 and 8/28/89, according to Gillian Gaar's article. So they only made a couple songs. Besides 'Where Did You Sleep Last Night?' and 'Ain't It a Shame' (both Leadbelly covers), there MAY have been an original called 'Grey Goose' (this is unconfirmed). I'd say there's a 95% chance the song your source mentioned is 'Aint It A Shame' (NOT 'Grey Goose', I bet that song doesn't even exist)." Thanks to Ned Vizzini for that info.

Chris Zarr added this; "I was on my lunch break at work when I read an article in rolling stone that was really cool. Dale Earnhardt (being a huge NASCAR fan and his dad being my favorite driver) had an article written about how nirvana is his favorite band. The title is along the lines of 'Kurt is my co pilot.' "

- - - April 22, 2000 - - -

"The book Nirvana: Winterlong has already been released in England with many pictures that go from the beginning of Kurt Cobain, Dave Grohl and Krist Novoselic's band until their last tour in the U.S. But the nirvanamaniacs have lots more to be excited about. The world is expecting that a boxed set of Nirvana rarities -promised for that year- comes with some new songs. It is known that Courtney Love, Kurt Cobain's widow, has at least two in her possession. One was made for the master Iggy Pop and another one for Mark Lanegan, lead singer of the Screaming Trees. They should come out in their original versions, with Kurt's voice. That is, if Courtney allows it." This information was from some recent magazine in Brazil. Thanks to Victor for this one.

Earlier this month I mentioned a poll VH-1 was running of "Seattle Grunge Bands". Some info on the show; "The Seattle band Rock Show on US VH1 was a total bust. Pearl Jam was the winner, so they played the video for Evenflow. I believe Nirvana was in second place. They had The Stone Temple Pilots in the studio and played a couple of their videos, but there was no further mention of Nirvana." Thanks to Clay for this info.

- - - April 21, 2000 - - -

I just did a mini-interview with Alex Coletti who produced Nirvana's legendary Unplugged concert for MTV. Alex talked a bit about why two tracks were cut from the original broadcast, and shares some funny stories from behind the camera. I only asked Alex a few questions instead of doing a "full" interview. But nevertheless it should be an interesting read. Check out the interview here. Special thanks to Alex Coletti for doing this. Speaking of interviews; I have two other interviews going at the moment. Hopefully they will be ready to put online within the next few weeks. So keep an eye out for that!

- - - April 20, 2000 - - -

"The organizers of The Spitfire Tour are producing a benefit on Sunday, May 7 at the House of Blues in Los Angeles, CA, in hopes of raising funds to help prisoner Todd McCormick." - "McCormick, tremendously outspoken in his position to legalize marijuana for medical use, was just sentenced to a 5-year term in a Federal prison." The speakers confirmed for the benefit include Krist Novoselic, Bill Maher, Michael Franti and some others. "At age 2, McCormick was diagnosed with Histiocytosis X cancer and introduced to medial marijuana as a young man while searching for relief from chemotherapy-induced nausea. After the passage of California prop. 215 (now Cal. law 11362.5), he set about researching and writing on the uses of medical marijuana and was out to invent the ultimate strain of medical marijuana. In 1997 he was arrested and his research [was] destroyed by deputies of the LA Sheriffs Narcotics Division and Federal DEA, even though he was a well-documented medical marijuana patient. Todd was initially released on a $500,000 bond posted by his friend Woody Harrelson. Although legally growing medical marijuana with a prescription under Ca. Prop 215, McCormick was just sentenced to a 5-year term in a Federal prison." If you would like to attend the benefit, it will be held at the House of Blues in Los Angeles, CA on May 7 2000. Doors open at 7:00 PM, show starts at 8 PM. Admittance is $20, and you must be 21 or older. More info here.

- - - April 19, 2000 - - -

The 6th NFC Competition is finally up. Once again the first prize is a signed copy of the great new Nirvana book "Winterlong" which offers a bunch of great Nirvana photos. The book was made by Stephen Sweet, Martyn Goodacre and Steve Gullick who all signed the copy of the book that you can win. The 2nd prize is the All Apologies/Rape me single, while the third prize is the Heart-Shaped Box single. Those two prizes were provided by Esprit. If you want to try out the competition just go here. By the way, it has now been exactly one year since the first competition went online back in April '99.

"In the January edition of the german Rolling Stone there was a list of Kurt's faves among the charts. It was called Fave Raves and contained:

  • 1. Vaselines - First pink
  • 2. Scratch Acid - Scratch Acid
  • 3. Breeders - Pod
  • 4. Pixies - Surfer Rosa
  • 5. Butthole Surfers - Butthole Surfers
  • 6. Iggy & The Stooges- Raw Power
  • 7. Shonen Knife - Burning Farm
  • 8. Jad Fair - Great Expectation
  • 9. Leadbelly - Last sessions
  • 10. Sex Pistols - Nevermind the bollocks

    They have also a column called 60 Minutes (I think) where musicians compile 60 minute tapes of their favorite songs." Thanks to Jakob for that story.

    Over at Hole's official website, Courtney Love answered some questions sent in by fans. One of the questions went "... Why didn't you put 'Asking for it' - the duet - on a single?" Courtney's answer: "Kurt came to Atlanta for a week or so when we recorded Live thru this and he was hanging around- and he sang on that song. Then , when he died it just didnt feel right to let anyone hear it. It made me too sad. I havent heard it in years but im sort of more into the idea than i was." This great track with Kurt and Courtney on vocals can be downloaded here and it's even legal :) The site also offers a nice cover of Nirvana's "Pennyroyal Tea". More answers here. Thanks to Jonas for the link. Courtney also did an online chat at the website a few weeks ago. It was pretty uncontrolled though, and the transcript is a mess. But you can read it here.

    - - - April 17, 2000 - - -

    Katie sent in this; "The US VH-1's Rock Show will be airing a 'Seattle Scene Band' episode on April 21st. VH-1 is doing a poll on the best band to come out of Seattle ... Nirvana is currently in fourth place (under Pearl Jam, Alice in Chains, and Stone Temple Pilots)." If you want to change that, you can vote in the poll here. Also thanks to Jim for the link.

    "Near the end of last year, The british Channel 4 ran a program called 'the music of the millennium' where the public got to vote for their favorite musical acts of the millennium. Nirvana were in pretty much every award line up; SLTS was voted the 6th greatest song of all time. 'Nevermind' was voted the 5th greatest album of all time. Kurt was voted the 10th greatest male vocalist of all time. Nirvana were voted the 6th greatest band of all time. Kurt was voted the 10th greatest song writer of all time, and finally Kurt was voted the 12th most influential musician of all time." Thanks to Dave 'The Animal' Black for this story.

    - - - April 15, 2000 - - -

    I haven't updated the picture gallery in ages, so I thought now it was about time to do something about that. Thus, I have just added 100 new Nirvana-related pictures, many of which are somewhat rare. These are mostly pictures I've found around the net, and some were e-mailed to me. Unfortunately I don't have all the names of the people who put these on the net, so just let me know if something should be changed. For now you can view the 100 new pictures here. Thanks to everyone who have contributed with pics, including all the people I didn't get permission from ;)

    "There will be an exhibit of Anton Corbijn, (who directed Nirvana's Heart-Shaped Box video) at the Groninger Museum in Holland from now until the 25th of June. The Dutch photographer worked with many famous artists, such as U2, The Rollin' Stones, David Bowie and Nirvana. Bono from U2 opened the exhibit last saturday and there was a huge party. (Bono getting more attention than Anton). This news paper article came with an almost full-page picture of Kurt." Thanks to Yorick for the story. This exhibit was also displayed in Denmark in November of 1997 and has been displayed a few other places in the world as well. More info.

    Not a very interesting story but VH1's Rock Show played Nirvana's "Sliver" video last night. Thanks to Steve and Tony for this.

    - - - April 14, 2000 - - -

    Some interesting Nirvana recordings turned up recently. First, an almost complete recording of the show Nirvana did in Slovenia on February 27 1994 has turned up. The recording is about 60 minutes long and is lacking the first two tracks, and the last two. Luckily the first two tracks surfaced in a Croatian TV special a while ago. The show is very good, including a lot of comments from Krist with his Croatian accent, and a brief cover of a song by a Croatian band called Đavoli (The Devils). I will have some soundclips up of this show shortly. Also surfacing not too long ago was the semi-complete encore of the show Nirvana did in Argentina on October 30 1992. Most of the show came out on a commercial bootleg a long time ago, but it was missing the last two tracks - "All Apologies" and "Endless, Nameless". Some radio, in Spain I believe, aired 'All Apologies' and most of 'Endless, Nameless' but the quality is not that good. I will also get soundclips of these tracks up soon.

    The terrific actress Sarah Michelle Gellar, best known as "Buffy - The Vampire Slayer" turned 23 today. Happy birthday, Sarah! If you want more info on Miss Gellar, check out this great website or the official Buffy Slayer website.

    Here is a story that I must say surprised me quite a bit; "HOLLYWOOD (Variety) - Hard rockers Metallica have become the first recording artists to file a copyright infringement suit against the popular Internet file-sharing program Napster. Three major universities were named in the suit as well. The suit was brought Wednesday in U.S. District Court in Los Angeles by Metallica, their music publishing company Creeping Death Music and E/M Ventures (their joint venture with Elektra Records, the band's label). The complaint accuses Napster, the University of Southern California, Yale University and Indiana University of copyright infringement, unlawful use of a digital audio interface device and violations of the Racketeering Influenced & Corrupt Organizations Act (RICO). One reason Metallica is the first recording act to file suit against Napster is that the group is one of relatively few that owns its own master tapes as well as its own music publishing. Metallica's attorney, Howard King, told Daily Variety that the RICO act was invoked because Napster's file-sharing program involves ongoing multiple violations with multiple conspirators. King said the three universities cited in the suit were those that -- unlike nearly 200 other schools -- had not banned use of the Napster software. (Indiana previously banned Napster's use because it was taking up so much of the campus computer network's bandwidth, but once that problem was resolved, reinstated access to the program.) 'It takes more than Napster,' King said. 'How these universities allow their bandwidth to be used is firmly within their control.' When contacted by Daily Variety, Napster's attorneys said they hadn't seen a copy of the suit and therefore could not comment." Story courtesy of Variety and Altavista. Thanks to Reidar for the link. AllStar also put up an interesting story about the lawsuit here.

    Andrew Amirault's website "The murder of Kurt Cobain" was updated again, providing a little info on the failed protest in New York in early April. Some selected hilarious quotes; " ... Worldwide Cobain Case/MTV Protest a huge success ... " - "Some highlights -- There were 11 of us at its peak, with one supporter coming from Ohio!" Wow! why didn't you find a larger city to protest in? I mean, eleven people with signs saying 'MTV Sucks' should require a much larger city than New York. And there was even one from Ohio. If you're lucky you can still catch a picture of Hanson on the main page of Andrew's site. (screenshot; above, right).

    - - - April 12, 2000 - - -

    "On April 9, MTV Germany played the complete version of 'Lithium' from the MTV Video Music Awards 1992, including the 'Rape Me' into. It was during the show MTV Sushi, which I only got to watch the last twenty minutes of. The host was wearing a Nirvana In Utero t-shirt, and they played 'Lithium,' the 'Heart-Shaped Box' video, 'The Man Who Sold The World' from MTV Unplugged and they showed the band receiving the MTV Video Music Awards in 1992 and 1993." This story was courtesy of Reidar. Also thanks to Chris for sharing the story.

    "I wanted to report a piece of Nirvana news. One of the stations that I listen to in Philadelphia, 93.3 WMMR, played a public service announcement last Saturday. The announcement started off by saying how six years ago a generation lost a voice when Kurt Cobain was found dead at his home. In the background were bits of Come as You Are and In Bloom. Then the announcement gave a suicide hotline number and finished by saying that WMMR doesn't want to lose any of its listeners. I heard them play the announcement a couple times on Saturday. Just wanted to let you know." Thanks to Harris for this one.

    "In the March 2000 edition of the UK Guitarist magazine they did a '101 Essentional Guitar Albums countdown and guide'. Nirvana's Nevermind came in at number 3 only beaten by Van Halen and the legend that is Jimi Hendrix. The article is a 15 page long special." - "Also in the same mag it says that Noel Gallagher out of Oasis once said that he wanted his music to sound like 'Nevermind The Bollocks' and 'Nevermind'. Also worth mentioning is that the new issue of Guitarist Magazine {this months} features a huge background story on Nirvana and grunge in general and tells you how to 'Write Grunge Cobain style'." The Nirvana part of the article from the March edition of the UK Guitarist magazine is available here. Thanks to Craig for this information.

    - - - April 10, 2000 - - -

    I'm sure a lot of people have wondered why MTV have never aired Nirvana's complete Unplugged performance - including the songs "Something in the way" and "Oh Me" - available on the CD release of the show. Well to clear this up a bit I decided to ask Alex, the producer of the show, what the reason for this was; "The songs were originally cut due to time constraints. on a lot of unplugged's, we tape extra songs to give the artists and myself some options in case something didn't come out right. in this case, all the performances were solid, so kurt and i made the decision on what we thought the best show would be. i knew all the meat puppet songs couldn't make it, at the time 2 seemed like plenty. kurt decided which two should stay. as for 'something in the way', i think it was my call to leave that one out in favor of one of the other songs...i can't quite remember which. as silly as it sounds, sometimes the length of a song plays into it...we are locked into time constraints due to commercial breaks and stuff. as for airing those songs, i always hoped we'd do a nirvana unplugged home video or dvd where we could include all the additional footage. to add those 2 songs to the show would mean we'd need to drop two songs, and i'd rather live with one version of the show on air. off air however (cd/home video/dvd) i would love to see all the footage released, including some of that great making of footage used in the 'bare witness' special. that's more up to the label and management as to if or when a home video would be made available. another option is to see if we could stream those two songs at the next time we air the show." Thanks a bunch to Alex for this info.

    Just a bit of info on the latest issue of Kerrang! magazine that features a special on Kurt Cobain; "The Kerrang issue dated April 8th 2000, 6 years after Kurt's death, was promised to be a tribute issue. This was not the case as it turned out to be a diary of events from March 25th '94 to April 11th. The article makes up less than 3 pages of writing spread over 6 pages thanks to photos and an advert for [the] latest Marilyn Manson video. The Pantera and One Minute Silence interviews had as many words. It is helpful to have a timeline of events surrounding the death of Kurt and it did contain tidbits of facts that I didn't know such as Courtney took fans into the annex room the same day he was found. However apart from this there is very little to warrant buying this and it is certainly not a collectors issue in the slightest. Another point worth making is that the last paragraph states we should dismiss murder theorys but under April 4th they mention that Kurt told Brad Barnett that he 'feared for his life', from the book 'Who Killed Kurt Cobain'? Next time around Kerrang should try printing something with more substance to it." This review was submitted by Andy. Dean Coupland also sent in a review of the special; "I bought it straight away but was a little dissapointed. It had small columns of news on each day from when Kurt overdosed in Rome to the day his body was found. It also listed several websites which had theories on how Kurt died. It also had some drawings of Kurt by several readers with little speeches by each artist. Kerrang also did a poll of readers' fave nirvana songs and here are the results: 1) Smells like teen spirit, 2) Heart-Shaped Box, 3) Aneurysm, 4) Lithium, 5) Territorial pissings, 6) Rape me, 7) Negative creep, 8) Sliver, 9) About a girl and 10) Come as you are." Thanks to Dean for that information.

    The people over at did a funny April Fool's joke, putting up a story about a supposed re-union of Nirvana; "Shocking most of the world, the remaining members of Nirvana—Krist Novoselic, Dave Grohl, and Pat Smear—have announced that they will reform for a short stadium tour in July and August. Most surprising is who they have tapped to take leader Kurt Cobain's place on guitar and lead vocals—none other than his widow, Courtney Love." An interesting theory, but of course: a joke :) Thanks to Jamie and a couple of others for the link. Read the full story.

    - - - April 8, 2000 - - -

    3 YEARS !

    Today it has been exactly three years since this website opened. As you might know, it followed my first Nirvana site - "The Danish Nirvana Page" - a site that opened sometime in early 1996. On April 8, 1997 I moved the whole thing to the domain and changed it to "The Internet Nirvana Fan Club", a name based on the fact that it was originally intended to be a Nirvana Fan Club. Though, the idea of having a fan club with a member section and things like that was scrapped after about nine months. After that, it just remained a regular fan site, just as today. Though, despite the fact that I haven't had a fan club for more than two years I still get e-mails almost daily from people asking how to join the club. Anyway, during those 3 years we've had almost 2 million hits and received a lot of attention from around the globe. It is also worth to mention that the Discussion Board - that started with a new interface in July 1999 - now has more than 1.000 registered users and a number of posted messages exceeding 50.000. There is even one user who only registered in September last year, but has currently made around 5.000 posts alone. Thanks to everyone who have visited this website, those who click the sponsor banners and all the great people using the discussion forums. Also a huge thanks to Nirvana, without whom this website would never have been possible.

    Of course, another noticeable "anniversary" today is that exactly six years ago, Kurt Cobain's body was found in his home in Seattle. Friday, April 8 '94 is a day that will never be forgotten, especially for those of us listening to Nirvana. Let's use this day to thank Kurt and Nirvana for all the great music they gave us before the end. Rest in peace, Kurt and long live NIRVANA !

    Just a quick reminder that today's issue of the British magazine Kerrang! has a feature on Kurt Cobain, including a picture of him on the cover.

    "This isn't really too Nirvana related but last night MTV News 1515 did a special addition for the Chili Peppers and FF tour. Dave, Taylor, and Chad (Chili) went to a karaoke bar and Dave and Taylor sang 'My Best Friends Girl', which Nirvana performed on 3/1/94." Thanks to Joel for this tidbit.

    "P3 which is Swedens biggest radio station had a contest where the listeners could call and vote for the best song played in the 90's and there were many voters. The winner was Nirvana's 'Rape me'. " Thanks to John for that info.

    "Oasis launched the U.S. leg of their world tour Wednesday in Seattle. Fans cheered wildly when Noel Gallagher dedicated a cover of Neil Young's 'Hey Hey, My My (Into the Black)' to Nirvana's Kurt Cobain, who killed himself six years ago this week. Cobain paraphrased the tune in his suicide note." Thanks to Max Bauer for passing on this story from Rocknews. Also thanks to Reidar for the news. NME also put up a story about the tribute, adding; "The band, playing the city's Paramount Theatre, performed a cover of Neil Young's 'Hey Hey, My My (Into The Black)' - the song famously quoted by Cobain in his suicide note - as an encore to a rousing reception from a capacity crowd in the Nirvana singer's former hometown. Noel Gallagher was enthusiastically cheered by the crowd as he matter-of-factly introduced the song with the words: 'We'd like to dedicate this to Kurt Cobain who died six years ago today.' And a large section of the audience sang along with him when he reached the 'It's better to burn out than to fade away' line which Cobain wrote in the scrawled note police found next to his body in April 1994. This opening night of the month-long US leg of the 'Standing On The Shoulder Of Giants' world tour was Oasis' sixth appearance in Seattle in as many years and the third time they have launched a US tour from here." Courtesy of NME.

    - - - April 6, 2000 - - -

    Ok, let's look back on some of the Nirvana specials that aired last night in honour of the 6-year anniversary of Kurt's death. I hope that it didn't cause too many problems that the site was officially closed yesterday. Gave you extra time to watch TV I suppose :) First to the "Nirvana: The Story so far" show that aired on MTV Germany. This one sucked. First of all the damn program started about 5 minutes prior to its announced time. The show was basically a 20-min collage of incomplete Nirvana videos, 5-second clips of interviews and clips from the MTV Awards from 1992. Not only were the music videos incomplete, but some were even edited, ie. the Heart-Shaped Box video was missing the guitar solo near the end. It was truly a very terrible show, unless you've never seen a Nirvana music video before. After that they aired the Unplugged. But to make matters even worse, the fools started airing it at 10:22 PM - 8 minutes prior to the announced time! Eight minutes! You really got the sense that the producers were thinking "Let's get this Cobain thing over with, so we can get back to playing videos with those cute Hanson brothers."

    More positive was the night on MTV Europe which featured the excellent "Bare Witness" special, documenting Nirvana's unplugged show. The program featured fresh interviews with the people involved with Unplugged, as well as rare backstage footage and such. A very good special that premiered on the US MTV last year. MTV Europe also aired the Unplugged. I didn't get to watch the Nirvana night on TMF but here is a comment about it from Sebastiaan; "They actually showed some 'new' stuff -- they broadcasted that whole interview where kurt has his jacket over his head (as in live, tonight, sold out .. you know the one where they talk about Extreme and stuff) blended together with clips from LTSO. After that they showed some clips of ppl covering nirvana (weird al and that elvis guy). Next on was nirvana unplugged and after that was the top ten nirvana videos of all time... which was kinda cool though the woman who presented it made some big mistakes, such as saying Dave drummed on Bleach and that In bloom was the first single from Nevermind..." The Top 10 was:

  • 01.Smells like teen spirit
  • 02.Come as you are
  • 03.Lithium
  • 04.Heart shaped box
  • 05.about a girl (ltso video)
  • 06.Sliver
  • 07.In Bloom
  • 08.Been a son (ltso video from paradiso)
  • 09.All Apologies (unplugged video)
  • 10.School (ltso video from paradiso)

    Thanks to Sebastiaan for this. Oli Smith sent in a review of the Nirvana night at M2; "I watched the M2, special. It was pretty good, basically it started of showing the 'Bare witness' program, which was amazing loads of stuff I hadn't seen before. Best part when Kurt went into the crowd and hugged some younger audience members. Then they showed the inevitable unplugged show (about time they did a whole live show I think) then straight afterwards they played three videos by Hole; Celebrity skin, violet and gold dust women, which was a little rare. Then the programmers forgot what they were doing and started playing R'n'B and rap , for 15 minutes then cut into it, by playing a videography which I was pretty excited about, but they only played (complete) come as you are, heart shaped box, lithium, teen spirit, then they did man who sold the world which they had previously shown on the unplugged show. and that was basically it. Conclusion: bare witness=great, unplugged=timeless, hole videos=great, a lot of junk videos, then 5 NIRVANA videos(videography) bit of a let down. Still great show." Thanks to Oli for that! Lewis Smith also sent in a bit of info about the special, adding that "M2's Unplugged had like a 10 minute fault the tape just stopped on Polly and it was looped. Otherwise great."

    The British Radio One also had a little tribute to Cobain, as they played a Top 10 of Nirvana songs as voted by the listeners. The Top 10 was as follows:

  • 1. Smells Like Teen Spirit
  • 2. Heart-Shaped Box
  • 3. Aneurysm
  • 4. Lithium
  • 5. Territorial Pissings
  • 6. Rape Me
  • 7. Negative Creep
  • 8. Sliver
  • 9. About A Girl
  • 10. Come As You Are

    Thanks to Robert and Charlie for this info. The show aired April 5 at 12 AM.

    Henrique submitted this info; "Well, yesterday, MTV Brazil showed a 3 hr Nirvana Special with cool interviews and some live footage, including footage from the Săo Paulo show with 'Drain You', and 3 clips from 'In Bloom'. Well, the show from Sao Paulo seemed to have been shot from the audience and it was from the right of the stage, at least they shot 'Drain You' with this camera."

    Chris sent this one in; "For those of you in Australia, Rage, on Channel 2 (ABC TV) nationwide, are playing all the Nirvana video clips this Saturday Night (April 8th ) starting at 11.40 PM. For more info regarding what exactly you can see in the special, check this site." Thanks to Chris McCubbin for this news.

    - - - April 5, 2000 - - -

    Just to remind you of some of the Nirvana specials airing tonight, here are the times. First, the British VH-1 will air an "Egos and Icons" special about Nirvana at 9:00 PM, UK (10 PM, CET). MTV UK will air Nirvana's unplugged at 1:00 AM, UK (2 AM, CET). MTV Europe will air Nirvana's unplugged at 10 PM CET, followed by their "Bare Witness" special at 11 PM, CET. The German MTV will air a special called "Nirvana: The Story So Far" at 10 PM, CET, followed by Nirvana's Unplugged at 10:30 PM, CET. More info here. The Dutch TMF will air a few Nirvana specials, beginning at 8 PM, CET. MTV in the US will air Nirvana's unplugged at 12:00 AM, 8:30 AM and 9:00 AM today, all Central Time. Today, MTV2 (M2) in Europe is having a Nirvana day, and will air a 'Kurt Cobain remembered special', Nirvana's MTV Unplugged show and a 30min show called 'Nirvana - A video history'. I believe this Nirvana night begins at 11 PM, CET today. I don't believe the European VH1 nor the US VH1 are airing any Nirvana specials tonight. Also airing today should be the documentary "Kurt and Courtney" on City Tv, out of Toronto. Thanks to Allan for this info.

    - - - April 4, 2000 - - -

    "German MTV will air a special called 'Nirvana: The Story So Far' on Wednesday [April 5] at 10 PM CET. At 10:30 PM they'll air Unplugged again." Thanks a lot to Reidar for e-mailing me this information.

    "I've just got a wee bit of info on a Kurt Cobain tribute concert. The concert will be at the Powerstation in Auckland, New Zealand on Friday April 14. Tickets will cost $13.00 NZD. It's an all ages gig and doors open at 8 pm, there will be 4 bands performing" Thanks to Vimal for this story.

    "Hey, I just wanted to let you know that MTV [in the US] will be airing Nirvana's MTV unplugged show again on MTV late April 4th, and again on the morning of the 5th. MTV will also be showing a half hour opening of a show that is called 'Bare Witness' which accounts of people who attended the unplugged show." Thanks to 'Curmdgyn' for this info. Jeff sent in the exact air dates: "On the following dates MTV will be playing Nirvana MTV Unplugged: Tue 4 @ 11:30 PM, Wed 5 @ 12:00 AM, Wed 5 @ 8:30 AM and Wed 5 @ 9:00 AM." All these are Central Time.

    "The English TV channel, Channel 4, is airing a comedy Cartoon series in which Kurt Cobain, Biggie Smalls, Freddie Mercury, Marc Bolan and John Denver are in a house trapped between heaven and hell. Kurt's the 'miserable depressive teen'. The series starts on the 5th of April at 11:30 P.M. This info was taken from the May edition of 'SELECT' magazine." Thanks to Bernard McKeever for this story.

    Recently (within the last 4 months) Australia's leading radio station Triple J did a national survey on the Top 100 songs of all time. I am writing to inform you that Nirvana got 5 songs into this chart with 'Smells Like Teen Spirit' making the No. 1 spot." I don't remember if I put up this info previously, if so, here it was again! Thanks to Mark Taylor for sending it in.

    Dutch TV Channel, The Music Factory (TMF) will also be airing a Nirvana special on April 5th. I believe it begins at 8 PM, CET with a Nirvana interview followed by MTV's Unplugged at 10 PM. After that at 11 PM is a Nirvana Top 10. Should be an interesting night. More info here.

    Brendon sent in this; "There is an episode of The Kids in the Hall, in which Scott Thompson (as Buddy Cole) burns a picture of Kurt Cobain. Actually he lights a whole bar on fire, but the picture of Kurt - which was given to Scott by Courtney after Kurt's death - is on the counter. It is the picture where Kurt is seven years old. Kurt and Scott were friends. Anyway the episode will be airing in the US on Comedy Central, on Friday, April 14, at 9:30 PM Eastern Time." The episode is also mentioned in the 'Nirvana in TV and Movies' section. Thanks to Brendon for this information.

    - - - April 2, 2000 - - -

    It seems that the latest Nirvana book, "Nirvana: The Chosen Rejects" is finally out. According to the largest online bookstore, Amazon, it was published in February 2000. However they also state that "You may order it now and we will ship it to you when it arrives" ! So apparently it has not arrived to them yet. Funnily, if you check the other major online book store Barnes & Noble - they have the book listed and don't mention anything about pre-orders. So one would assume that they have it in stock and it has also received a few reviews already. In any case this book should contain a lot of interesting information that was previously unpublished. Obviously, I have not yet read it but hopefully I'll get a copy of it soon. If you have it please feel free to send a review or your comments about it. The book's ISBN is: 0312206631 and it was written by Kurt St. Thomas and Troy Smith. It was, apparently, published by St. Martin's Press sometime in February 2000. More info at Amazon and Barnes & Noble.

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